Adult specimen
garcilla cangrejera 1
garcilla cangrejera 2
garcilla cangrejera 3
garcilla cangrejera 4
garcilla cangrejera 5
garcilla cangrejera 6
garcilla cangrejera 7
garcilla cangrejera 8
garcilla cangrejera 9
garcilla cangrejera 10
garcilla cangrejera 11
garcilla cangrejera 12
garcilla cangrejera 13
garcilla cangrejera 14
garcilla cangrejera 15
garcilla cangrejera 16
garcilla cangrejera 17
garcilla cangrejera 18
garcilla cangrejera 19
1.- Right wing primaries. 2.- Primaries. 3.- Secondaries and tertials. 4.- Secondaries (S1-S8). 5.- Secondaries (S9-S15). 6.- Primaries, secondaries and tertials. 7.- Primaries, secondaries and tertials. 8.- Primary coverts. 9.- Greater coverts. 10.- Primaries, secondaries, tertials. Primary coverts, secondaries coverts (G, M and L). Alulae. 11.- Details of the primary coverts. 12.- Rectrices. 13.- Rectrices + uppertail coverts. 14.- Right scapulas. 15.- Back feathers. 16.- Back and nape feathers. 17.- Details of the nape feathers. 18.- Details of the back feathers. 19.- Nape feathers.
1 thought on “SQUACCO HERON”
Thank you for writing about this heron which we saw in Mallorca Park Natural s‘Albufera.
A birder told us the name