Sources for the project

Sources of the project:
Some websites offer a vast database of bird feather images from around the world, making comparison and identification easier. Here are a few of them:
- Featheratlas: A dedicated database for the identification and study of flight feathers of North American birds.
- Atlas de identificación de las aves de Aragón. Javier Blasco Zumeta: Blasco-Zumeta Guide to the Identification of Birds in Aragón and mainland Spain.
- A website exploring the link between ornithology and aesthetics through feathers.
- Avibase: A database of all the birds of the world.
- Global knowledge about Earth.
- SEO-Birdlife:
Spanish Ornithological Society.
- Brown,R., Ferguson, J., Lawrence, M. & Lees, D. 2003. Guía de identificación. Huellas y señales de las aves de España y de Europa. Ediciones Omega. Barcelona.
- Cieslak, M. & Bul, B. 2006. Identification for bird conservation. Natura Publishing House. Poland.
- Basco-Zumeta, J. y Heinze, G.M. 2022. Atlas de identificación de las aves continentales de la Península Ibérica. Tundra Ediciones, Castellón.
- Scott, S. D. & McFarland. 2010. A guide to North American Species. Bird Feathers. Stackpole Books. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, US.
- Svensson, L. 1970. Identification Guide to European Passerines. England.
- Jenni , L. & Winkler, 1994. Moult and ageing of European Passerines. CHRISTOPHER HELM LONDON. London.