Adult specimen
1.- Left wing primaries. 2.- Primaries. 3.- Details of P10. 4.- Details of the outer vane of the primaries (P10-P6). 5.- Details of the tips of the primaries. 6.- Secondaries and tertials. 7.- Details of the outer vane of the secondaries. 8.- Secondaries and tertials. 9.- Detail of the outer vane of the secondaries. 10.- Details of the tips of the secondaries and tertials. 11.- Details of the tertials. 12.- Tertials. 13.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. 14.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. 15.- Primaries, secondaries, tertials. Primary coverts and greater coverts. 16.- Primaries, secondaries, tertials. Primary coverts and secondary coverts (G, M and L). Alulas. 17.- Details of the primary coverts. 18.- Details of the greater coverts. 19.- Infra-coverts of the left wing. 20.- Rectrices. 21.- Rectrices. 22.- Rectrices + uppertail coverts. 23.- Details of the tips of the rectrices. 24.- Details of the uppertail coverts. 25.- Details of the feathers of the upper part of the chest (throat). 26.- Feathers of the back.