Perdix perdix hispaniensis
English: Grey Partridge.
German: Rebhuhn.
French: Perdrix grise.
Order: Galliformes.
Family: Phasianidae.
29-31 cm.
The Grey Partridge can’t be confused with any other Iberian species. This partridge can be differentiated from the Red-legged Partridge by its pale orange face and its gray neck and chest.
There is some sexual dimorphism. The male has a distinct dark brown horseshoe on its lower belly. On the other hand, the female only shows traces of this peculiar mark. Juveniles have a striped pattern instead of the spot. The scapulars and median secondary coverts in males have a single longitudinal nerve with very precise contours, while in females there is a more diffuse longitudinal nerve crossed by two transverse traces. The male’s pileum is adorned with fine stripes, while the female has a whitish speckled pattern.
It is possible to recognize a minimum of 2 different ages:

Juvenile specimen: these individuals have a completely brown-ochre plumage. From the throat to the flank, there is a design of very dark and white stripes. They lack a white spot and horseshoe on the belly. Brown undertail coverts.

Adult specimen: individuals with well-defined white-black and gray-ochre tones. Without juvenile generation feathers. If there were a molting limit, they will always be of adult generation.
Complete postbreeding moult, usually finished in October. Partial postjuvenile moult including all feathers except the two outermost primaries and their primary coverts, which are retained. Both age classes have a prebreeding moult involving only body feathers.
Primaries: 10 per wing.
Secundaries: 15-16 per wing.
Rectrices: 18.


Adult specimen:
Beak tip to pupil center:

Adult male specimen


1.- Left wing primaries. 2.- Primaries. 3.- Details of P1 inner vane. 4.- Details of the tips of the outer primaries. 5.- Details of the tips of the inner primaries (P1, P2, and P3). 6.- Details of the outer vane of the primaries. 7.- Details of the inner vane of P3, P5, and P7. 8.- Details of the outer vane of P10 and P9. 9.- Secondaries (S14-S8). 10.- Secondaries (S7-S1). 11.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials of the left wing. 12.- Details of the tips of the secondaries. 13.- Details of the outer vane of the secondaries. 14.- Details of the outer and inner vane of S3 and S4. 15.- Details of the tip of S3 and S4. 16.- Details of the tertials. 17.- Details of the tips of the tertials. 18.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials of the left wing. 19.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials of the left wing. 20.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. Primary coverts and secondary coverts. 21.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. Primary coverts and secondary coverts + median coverts. 22.- Primaries, secondaries, tertials. Primary and secondary coverts (G, M, and L). Alulas. 23.- Primary coverts. 24.- Details of the primary coverts. 25.- Left wing primary coverts. 26.- Secondary coverts (G, M, and L). 27.- Greater coverts. 28.- Details of the secondary coverts. 29.- Alulas. 30.- Median coverts. 31.- Details of the median coverts. 32.- Details of the median coverts. 33.- Details of the tertiary coverts. 34.- Rectrices. 35.- Rectrices. 36.- Details of the tips of the rectrices. 37.- Details of the tips of the central rectrices. 38.- Details of R2. 39.- Details of the rectrices. 40.- Rectrices + uppertail coverts. 41.- Details of the uppertail coverts. 42.- Uppertail coverts. 43.- Rectrices + undertail coverts. 44.- Details of the undertail coverts. 45.- Undertail coverts. 46.- Assembly of feathers on the left scapula. 47.- Feathers on the left scapula. 48.- Infra-primary coverts. 49.- Infra-secondary coverts. 50.- Assembly of feathers on the left flank. 51.- Feathers on the left flank. 52.- Assembly of feathers on the chest. 53.- Feathers on the chest. 54.- Assembly of feathers on the belly. 55.- Feathers on the belly. 56.- Assembly of feathers on the back. 57.- Feathers on the back. 58.- Face feathers. 59.- Crown feathers.

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