Jynx torquilla
torcecuello eurooasiático
English: Eurasian Wryneck.
German: Wendehals.
French: Torcol fourmilier.
Order: Piciformes.
Family: Picidae.
16-17 cm
It is difficult to confuse this species with any other Iberian species.
Both male and female have very similar plumage and measurements, so it is not a useful characteristic for identification.
It is possible to recognize 4 different ages:

Juvenile specimen: its iris is grayish in color. Also, the outermost primary feather (P10) is long and wide, reaching halfway down the length of P9.

First-year specimen: its iris is a dull brown color. The juvenile primary coverts have sharp tips. The secondaries are from a new generation. The P10 becomes vestigial after molting.

Second-year specimen: there is little difference in wear between primaries and secondaries; sometimes with some retained juvenile secondaries. Note that its iris is hazel in the center and gray on its distal part.

Adult specimen: in the spring, the primaries are more worn than the secondaries. In the fall, new body feathers, primaries, tertials, and rectrices are grown, but the secondaries are worn. Its iris is reddish-brown in color.
The Eurasian Wryneck undergoes a complete post-nuptial molt, changing all its feathers except the secondaries in the breeding areas, which are normally changed in the wintering areas. The post-juvenile molt is a partial molt in which all feathers are changed except some secondaries, all or part of the primary and tertiary coverts, which are changed in the wintering areas. Both ages undergo a pre-nuptial molt, which includes body feathers, wing coverts, and all or part of the rectrices.
Primaries: 10 per wing.
Secundaries: 9-11 per wing.
Rectrices: 12.


Adult specimen:
Beak tip to pupil center:

Adult specimen


1.- Right wing primaries. 2.- Primaries. 3.- Primaries. 4.- Details of the outer vane of the primaries (P10-P6). 5.- Detail of the tips of the primaries. 6.- Details of the primaries. 7.- Detail of the tips of the primaries. 8.- Secondaries and tertials. 9.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. 10.- Primaries, secondaries, and tertials. 11.- Details of the secondaries and tertials. 12.- Details of the secondaries. 13.- Details of the secondaries. 14.- Details of the primaries. 15.- Details of the primary coverts of P9. 16.- Primaries, secondaries, tertials. Primary coverts, secondary coverts (G, M, and L). Alulae. 17.- Details of the primary coverts. 18.- Details of the secondary coverts. 19.- Breast feathers. 20.- Rectrices. 21.- Rectrices. 22.- Rectrices + uppertail coverts. 23.- Details of the rectrices. 24.- Details of R6. 25.- Details of the rectrices. 26.- Undertail coverts. 27.- Rectrices + undertail coverts.

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