About us
The Plumarium Project is promoted and directed by Pablo Fernández, who is responsible for compiling the material and creating all the information that appears on the website, as well as photographing and editing the images that make up the various species collections. On the other hand, the didactic illustrations featured on the website are the work of Sylvática.
Plumarium works hand in hand with Moona, a team responsible for design study, branding, and visual identity, as well as the design and web development of the brand. Moona also handles the maintenance and continuous development and expansion of the Project. Day by day, they work on the functioning of the website, expanding hosting capacity, and acquiring new plugins to ensure optimal performance.
Furthermore, for a project of this nature to be possible, it requires the collaboration of interested third parties who contribute quality and content to the website. In this sense, Juan Francisco Beltrán Gala, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology at the University of Seville, has endorsed the Plumarium Project alongside Dr. José Ramón Arrébola Burgos, Associate Professor at the University and Director of the Department of Zoology at the University of Seville. Since then, numerous biologists such as María Isabel Adrián Dosío and Plácido Rodríguez Parada, ornithologists and researchers like Juan José Negro Balmaseda or Francisco Javier Bejarano Segura, and nature photographers like Valentín Fernández, José-Elías Rodríguez, Fernando del Valle, and Rafael Palomo, among others, have been encouraged to participate and contribute part of their work to the website.
Entities such as Cañada de los Pájaros in Puebla del Río (Seville), DEMA in Almendralejo (Badajoz), AMUS in Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz), the Andalusian Network of Centers for the Recovery of Endangered Species (CREA), and the Center for Analysis and Diagnosis of Wildlife in Andalusia (CAD) have been committed to the project from its inception.